- Breaking into Local Government: A Guidebook for Career Changes (PDF)
- Breaking into Local Government: A Guidebook for Career Changes (PDF)
- Municipal Management Association of Northern California (PDF)
Internship Resources
- Your Summer Intern Is Here. Now What?
- Harvard Business Review, by Jodi Glickman | 11:00 AM June 3, 2013
- Regional Internship Overview 2013 (PDF)
- Silicon Valley Local Government Internships 2013 (PDF)
- ICMA Internship Toolkit (PDF)
Management Fellows
- Career Compass 54–How Do I Position Myself for Advancement
- Career Compass 48-how do I benefit from a coach
- Career Compass 59–Perform the Job Before You Get It
- CoachConnect PLAYER 10-2017
- New training videos on “Being a Great Coach and a Winning Player,” “How Can You Be a Winning Player?” and “Watch Coaching in Action” (go to www.icma.org/coaching and click on “1-1 coaching”)
- Talent development resources available at www.icma.org/coaching
Cal-ICMA For Students/Universities
- Careers in Local Government Management
- ICMA flyer for young people (PDF)
- Local Government Career Opportunities flyer (PDF)
- Guide to Careers in Local Government (PDF)
Cal-ICMA for Supervisors/Managers
- 2017 Coaching Program flyer (PDF)
- 2016 California Coaching Program flyer (PDF)
- ICMA Western Region Summit Summary (PDF)
- Department Heads “Help Wanted” Forum (PDF)
- Ten Tips for Aspiring Manager to Take Advantage of the Next Generation Challenge (PDF)
- Tip Sheet – Pursuing a Career in Local Government (PDF)
- Ya Gotta Love This Job (PDF)
- Cal-ICMA Coaching Program: User Tips for HR Directors (PDF)

- Being a Great Coach and a Winning Player – ICMA Coaching (PDF)
- 4 Coaching Conversations–Regional Mgmt Fellowship 2018 (PDF)
- Making Coaching Work (PDF)
- Career Compass column #48 “How Do I Benefit From a Coach?” (PDF)
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mentors (PDF)
- Regional Management Fellows–4 coaching conversations (PDF)
- 2017 Coaching Program flyer (PDF)
- New Training Resources–ICMA Coaching Program (PDF)
- Career Compass column #12 “Communicating with your Boss”
- Career Compass column #17 “The Subtle Art of Promoting Your Value”
- HBR–You Cant Be a Great Manager If You Are Not a Good Coach
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mentors
- Making Coaching Work-revised w do’s just for coaches
- Talent Catalyst Conversation outline–2016
- CoachConnect COACH 10-2017
- New training videos on “Being a Great Coach and a Winning Player,” “How Can You Be a Great Coach?” and “Watch Coaching in Action” (go to www.icma.org/coaching and click on “1-1 coaching”)
- Talent development resources available at www.icma.org/coaching
- https://icma.org/career-compass
Career Compass is a column from ICMA Coaching focused on career issues for local government professional staff, and appears in ICMA’s Leadership Matters newsletter. - http://www.calopps.org
Public employment job board owned and operated by public agencies. - http://baywork.org
Bay Area Water/Wastewater Workforce Reliability - http://www.mmanc.org/
Municipal Management Association of Northern California - http://sccleadershipacademy.weebly.com/
Santa Clara County Leadership Academy - http://www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/HR/Training
San Mateo County Leadership Academy - http://www.discovermtep.org/
Management Talent Exchange Program - http://www.cal-icma.org
Cal-ICMA is a collaboration of the California City Managers’ Department (CMD); the California City Managers Foundation (CCMF); the two assistants groups (MMANC and MMASC); the County CAOs; the COG Directors; along with members of the academic community and from all of the other ICMA membership categories. Cal-ICMA is the “official” state affiliate with ICMA and is inclusive of all ICMA members without creating another “organization” with a separate dues structure. - http://www.dougsguides.com/home
Workshops, eBooks, and links to help you survive and thrive in your first job.